Stock Analyzer Xtreme

4.9 ( 5349 ratings )
Produktivität Finanzen
Entwickler Kaveh Taheri
1.99 USD

StockAnalyzer helps take the guess work out of investing in stocks. It provides analysis of the financial health and historical growth of a company, suggests both the fair price and discount price of a stock, and uses technical indicators to determine when a stock price is starting a major sell or buy trend.

Analyzing stocks requires determining key performance metrics as well as the right buy and sell target prices.

Performance is determined by calculating growth rates such as Return on Invested Capital (ROIC), Equity, Earnings Per Share (EPS), Sales, and Cash over the past years. A good performing stock will demonstrate consistent double-digit growth rates.

Once a stock is deemed a good performer based on its Growth Rate numbers, the next step is to calculate its Intrinsic Price (also referred to as Sticker Price , Fair Value, or True value), followed by its Discount Price (also referred to as Margin of Safety Price, or Sale Price). Buying stocks at or below the Discount Price means paying a lot less for a stock than it is worth.

Determining Growth Rates and Intrinsic and Discount prices are lengthy and tedious and involve performing numerous calculations on a large pool of raw financial data associated with a specific stock.

Stock Analyzer app makes this process easy by performing these calculations in a matter of few seconds. Stock Analyzer app provides multiple Intrinsic and Discount prices per stock. This is the only app that uses future EPS for determining Intrinsic and Discount prices (which provides more accurate results compared to using the current EPS).

This app works with NYSE, NASDAQ, Toronto, Frankfurt, and London listed stock.


- The short percent of float is the percentage of shares that are short, in relation to the number of shares that make up a stocks float.
- A Short % of Float value of greater that 10% is considered a warning (large short interest).

- Growth Rates are used to determine the strength of a business.
- The following Growth Rates are calculated:
Operating Cash
Net Cash
Free Cash Flow

- This rating system can be used for quick evaluation of the Growth Rates.

- The “PE Ex NET CASH” is an adjusted P/E ratio calculated based on “Stock Price – Net Cash per Share”.

- Another factor to consider when evaluating a company is its debt and the number of years that will take to payoff that debt using its cash flow.
- "Years to Service Debt" = ("Total Long Term Debt") / ("Free Cash Flow")
- A value of greater than 3 years could be considered a warning.

- The number of years it takes to recover your investment if you were to purchase the whole business. Payback Time is used as another method for determining the margin of safety of a stock.

- Also referred to as Sticker Price, Fair Value, or True Value, is calculated from future market price in 10 years, assuming annual rate of return of 15%.
- Five intrinsic prices are calculated based on different future growth rate values (formulas are explained in the app).

- Discount Price is 50% of Intrinsic Price. This price provides a Margin of Safety over the Intrinsic Price.

- This rating system can be used for quick evaluation of the Discount (aka Margin of Safety) Prices.

- These technical indicators signal buy or sell momentum.
- Three indicators are used: 10-day Moving Average, MACD, and Slow Stochastic.

- Results of up to 50 analysis can be saved into a watchlist.

- Supports issues traded on the New York (NYSE & NASDAQ), Toronto, Frankfurt, and London stock exchanges.

- Analysis results can be sent to email recipients.